Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla

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Godzilla vs. Kong will be released in 2021 as a sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

A sequel to the film is currently under production.

However, when Jia comes to see Kong and offers him a doll, the Titan, knowing that he is stuck within the biodome, finds out and tosses a tree at it.

In the wake of the attack, public opinion has turned against Godzilla, who is no longer seen as a hero. Madison Russell, who is now an adult and a fan of Bernie's podcast, sees the news about Godzilla's recent attack on her school and is afraid. She is now worried. After school, she tries to talk her father, who is now the director of Monarch, into giving her a lead on the cause of Godzilla's rampage. He dismisses everything she says as he only says that creatures, like people, can change. As soon as Godzilla starts attacking, Madison asks her best friend, Josh, to help her find out who did it and find out the secrets of Apex.

Their struggle is interrupted, however, when Godzilla is rendered unconscious by depth charges, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Nathan sees no other alternative and determines that the gang should turn down all of the ships' engines to fool Godzilla into believing he destroyed them and Kong was vanquished, which they do. Godzilla looks at the shattered fleet with interest and then swims away, knowing he has triumphed. After realizing that reactivating the ships could allow Godzilla to return, the group decides to fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entry point in Antarctica, where Ghidorah was first frozen. Jia tells Kong that his house is via the front door, but he refuses to leave.

Because they can't bring Kong back to Skull Island because of the cold, Nathan asks Ilene whether Kong would go down the tube if there are others like him. Ilene advises Jia to inquire about Kong's family's whereabouts.

The plan of Walter to use the Hollow Earth's energy to defeat Mechagodzilla is then revealed. After seeing that Mechagodzilla is the true culprit, Madison discovers that Apex is attempting to replace the Titans with humans in order to take over as Earth's dominant species. Mechagodzilla's biological supercomputer and cockpit was acquired by Apex from Alan Jonah five years ago after it was bitten off by Godzilla during his battle with Ghidorah and is now a skull that Madison and the others stumble upon while trying to find an exit. Ren is sitting inside the severed head of Ghidorah.

The next day, Kong and Nathan's crew continue their quest, finally arriving to a massive stone temple that was formerly the property of Kong's forefathers. As they explore the interior, they discover remnants of an ancient war between Kong's and Godzilla's races, as well as an ancient axe made from the dorsal plate of a deceased member of Godzilla's race, which Kong uses to sit on a massive throne. In the process of locating the power source that would allow them to augment Mechagodzilla's power supply, Nathan's crew discovers that the same power source can also be used to replenish Kong's battle axe. Maia and the Apex crew, on the other hand, utilize spider-like drones to harvest the power source and transport it back to their Hong Kong headquarters, ignoring Ilene's protests that Apex should not just grab the discovery of the century. Maia orders her bodyguards to fire their weapons towards Nathan's crew, only for Kong to violently scream at them in response to their actions. While this is going on, Mechagodzilla starts transmitting a signal to Godzilla, who is alerted to the machine's activation and immediately rushes for Hong Kong.

Godzilla can't fly, therefore it's a good thing. It is Kong who shatters the HEAV, killing Maia and her crew as they attempt to escape from the spaceship.

Kong and Godzilla both heal and get back on their feet, with Godzilla on the prowl for Kong, who has taken refuge atop a building to avoid the Titan's attention. When Kong throws a construction crane into a building, it distracts Godzilla to the point where he ambushes him from above and places the Titan in a chokehold with the intent of strangling him, only for Godzilla to break free and unleash his full fury on Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong's attempts to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh The vanquished Kong fiercely roars in defiance against Godzilla after being restrained and held down by the monstrous monster in a display of dominance.

On his way to see Jia, Kong observes Godzilla's fight with Mechagodzilla. Though Kong first doubts her as he watches Godzilla be defeated by Mechagodzilla, Jia eventually explains that the robot is the "real" threat. Kong eventually accepts and sets his hatred aside before entering fight to assist Godzilla with his dislocated limb.

As Mechagodzilla is about to fire its red energy beam into Godzilla's throat, Kong rushes atop the robot and deflects the beam into the air, so sparing Godzilla's life. Godzilla assists Kong in fighting Mechagodzilla after realizing Kong saved his life and sense an ally in him upon discovering he is not an adversary.

The two Titans team together to change the tide, but the robot outclasses them. Axe in hand, Kong takes aim at Mechagodzilla, but his weapon has lost its charge, and the robot tries to impale Kong with its tail drill, but Kong survives. Bernie, recognizing he and the others can do nothing for Kong and Godzilla, takes out a flask of booze and suggests they all drink. But Josh, having an epiphany, steals Bernie's flask and pours the contents all over Mechagodzilla's control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to stop and allowing Godzilla and Kong to retake the upper hand.

Later on, Monarch constructed an observation post in the Hollow Earth. Kong is seen by Ilene, Nathan, and Jia on his morning walk. Kong climbs atop a rock, banging his chest and embracing Jia as his new home and realm in his screaming proclamation of himself as King of the Hollow Earth.

Godzilla vs. Kong has gotten largely positive reviews. As of April 16, 2021, Rotten Tomatoes has 341 reviews, 254 of which are fresh, with a "Tomatometer" score of 74 percent fresh. Forget about character development and human drama; Godzilla vs. Kong delivers all the excitement you'd expect from two massive monsters clashing. "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." the site's audience review description said. Indeed, although many people enjoyed the film's monster brawling, others were let down by the "half-baked" human side. An estimated $48.5 million in US box office income by Sunday morning of the five-day weekend release period credited the film with putting a stop to the COVID-19 pandemic-fueled box office drop. WarnerMedia claimed in a statement that the film had the largest viewership of any series or movie aired on HBO Max since its inception, but did not disclose exact figures. The film also performed well internationally, making more than $236 million in countries outside than the United States.

Since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla, Godzilla and King Kong haven't appeared in a picture together.

Kyle Chandler has appeared in two King Kong films, the first of which being Peter Jackson's 2005 adaptation.

Godzilla vs. Kong is the shortest MonsterVerse film with a running duration of 113 minutes.

The scenario in which Kong hops from ship to ship is identical to a scene in which Eva Unit-02 jumps from ship to ship to dodge an angel, much as Godzilla did.

A pyramid on top of a pyramid-like structure is reminiscent of the Central Dogma, where Mechagodzilla has been stationed.


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